Sort of a rerun post on reader joy and why you might keep a particular old book - inspired by Marie Kondo
This is a rerun post from my old blog. I decided to post it because I've been thinking a lot about reader joy in the context of the whole Marie Kondo book kerfuffle (which, incidentally, I don't have an actual strong view on, but it did make me think about reading joy, so here we are - and this is, after all, a blog about joy). Back in my serious blogging days (2007-2012), I wrote a lot about reading, both in relation to actual books (as in this post) and in relation to the general experience of reading and reviewing. It was a hugely valuable experience to me. I discovered a lot about how I feel about reading and what it means to be a reader. I also discovered a lot about why I was blogging, in particular, that I got way less joy from 'reviewing' in the traditional way (which feels very much like a job sometimes, and one in which there is a rather exhausting need for diplomacy as well as a willingness to enter into some level of debate) and much more joy fr...